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Current Research

Proving their Loyalty: A Research Note on the Effects of Serving in World War II on Immigrant Outcomes

- Revise and Resubmit, Demography


​The Effects of the 19th Century US Railroad Expansion on Port-Level Wine Trade Flows

- Revise and Resubmit, Journal of Wine Economics


​Railroads, Market Access, and Indigenous Land Dispossession

(Joint with Azim Essaji and Rob Gillezeau)



​​​​Railroads, Land Cessions, and Indigenous Nations: Evidence from Canada

(Joint with Azim Essaji and Rob Gillezeau)

- Accepted, Canadian Journal of Economics

Replication files here.​


Changing the pace of the melting pot: The effects of immigration restrictions on immigrant assimilation (2024), Journal of Comparative Economics, Vol. 52(4): 733-754. [open access]


The Local Effects of the First Golden Age of Globalization: Evidence from American Ports, 1870-1900

- Forthcoming, Canadian Journal of Economics

Replication files (including district-country-year trade flows) here.​


End of the Line: The Effects of Large Passenger Rail Cuts on Local Economic Outcomes (2024), Canadian Public Policy, Vol. 50(4): 422-439.

VIA Rail schedules for 1989 and 1990 used in paper here.​


For Amber Waves of Grain: Commodity Booms and Structural Transformation in Nineteenth Century America

- Forthcoming, Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics [open access]


Banking on Railroads: The Effect of Market Access on Banking Provision During the Gilded Age (2024), Economic History Review [open access], Vol. 72(4): 489-507.


Does Anti-Immigration Policy Lead to Protectionism? Evidence from the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act (2024), Applied Economics Letters.

Online Appendix here.


Forced Displacement and Migrants' Location Choices: Evidence from the Japanese-Canadian Experience during World War II (2023), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol. 211: 206-240. [Open Access]

Replication files here.


The long-run effects of childhood exposure to market access shocks: Evidence from the US railroad network expansion (2024), Explorations in Economic History, Vol. 91: 101503.

Working paper version here.

Replication files here.

Coverage: National Affairs Findings Blog


Oil Royalties and the Provision of Public Education in Brazil (2023), Economics of Education Review, Vol. 92: 102351.

(Joint with Ridwan Karim)

Working paper version here.

Online appendix here.


Farming Output, Concentration, and Market Access: Evidence from the Nineteenth Century American Railroad Expansion (2022), Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 157: 102878.

Working paper version here.

Replication files here.


Viewing the COVID-19 Pandemic from Space: The Effect of COVID-related Mobility Declines on Night Light Brightness in Canada (2022), Canadian Journal of Regional Science, Vol. 45(3): 188-198.

Working paper version here.


The Geography of Social Distancing in Canada: Evidence from Facebook (2020), Canadian Public Policy, Vol. 46(S1): S19-S28.

Companion paper using Google data at the provincial level can be found here.

A non-technical explanation of mobility data with a summary of the work done in this publication can be found here. This non-technical document was written for a multidisciplinary conference on data and privacy during COVID-19.


The Effect of Immigration on Local Public Finances (2019), Economics Bulletin, Vol. 39(4): 2423-2428.


Tariffs and the Composition of Employment: Evidence from the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (2019), Canadian Public Policy, Vol. 45(3): 342-365.

Working paper version here.


Labour Market Characteristics and Surviving Import Shocks (2019)The World Economy, Vol. 42(5): 1288-1315. 

Working paper version here.


The Effect of College Education on Intolerance: Evidence from Google Search Data (2019), Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 26(2): 83-86.


Market Access and Occupational Upgrading: Evidence from the 19th Century American Transportation Network  (2018), Applied Economics, Vol. 50(45): 4879-4900.


Does Import Competition Worsen the Gender Gap? Evidence from Matched Employer-Employee Data (2018), Economics Letters, Vol. 165(C): 13-16.



The long-run impact of the power loom: evidence from 19th century Prussia (2014), Economics Bulletin, Vol. 34(3): 1776-1791.

Jeff Chan

© 2023 by Jeff Chan.

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